Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Global Learners and a final thought of the day

Found out yesterday that I'm going to be a part of the Global Learners program, which is SUPER sweet and I'm extraordinarily stoked about. It means that I'll be getting all sorts of technology for use in my classroom, including my own laptop, projector, smartboard... all the cool tools. I can't wait! It does mean giving up some days of my summer for training, but it's SO totally worth it... I've been working really hard to bring my classroom into the 21st century and this will really help me continue down that path.

And for my students, here's a final thought for the day (just in case you don't make it to the last day of classes tomorrow):
I wish you sunshine on your path and storms to season your journey. I wish you peace in the world in which you live... More I cannot wish you except perhaps love to make all the rest worthwhile. (Robert A. Ward)
And now... back to grading final essays!

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